What's a Tangled Title?
You live in a house but the deed doesn't show you as the owner. This can happen when:
No Will
The previous owner died without a will (interstate)No Probate
The previous owner died with a will, but it wasn't probated
No Affidavit
A transfer-on-death affidavit wasn't filed.
There's an error on the deed (wrong name, address, etc.)Why is it a Problem?
A Tangled Title can Prevent you from:
- Getting loans or using your home equity.
- Receiving utility assistance (HEAP, PIP).
- Qualifying for property tax reductions.
- Getting homeowner's insurance.
How to Find Out If You Have One:
Check the county records to see who's listed on the deed.
Check your property tax bill. Is it in your name?
Is your mortgage in your name?
What to Do If You Have a Tangled Title:
If the previous owner is still alive, get them to transfer the deed.
If the previous owner is deceased, you may need to go through probate or utilize a Transfer on Death Affidavit (if filed).
Preventing Tangled Titles:
Create a will naming your beneficiaries.
Use a joint survivorship deed.
File a Transfer on Death Affidavit.